Senior couple leaning on convertible car with a surfboard on the beach.


Starting to save today can make your dream vacation a reality, sooner rather than later.

一个令人放松的海滩,令人惊叹的山脉或欧洲博物馆. Do you find yourself daydreaming about all the places you want to go? Sometimes it's a big undertaking to get real with that travel bucket list 和 make your dream trip actually happen. 首先,你需要弄清楚你想去哪里, then do your homework to figure out just how much that dream vacation is going to cost you. 一旦你弄明白了, it's time to start saving to make the trip a reality 和 no longer just a dream.


有意外开支, spontaneous splurges 和 that daily eating out habit — you might be asking yourself, “我怎样才能开始为度假存钱呢??" No matter what's st和ing between you 和 the travel experience of a lifetime, 你可以从今天开始制定一个储蓄计划. 财务上的精明不仅仅是 退休计划应急资金. 它还包括找到你想要的冒险方式.


Setting a goal dollar amount 和 a goal date is a simple way to put you on the path toward a well-deserved vacation 和 can make your dream a reality. 通过制定储蓄计划, you'll watch your savings grow 和 begin to envision that exciting dream coming to fruition. Being excited about making a dream a reality can be a great motivation to start saving.

来确定你的目标金额, start by making a list of how you'll get to w在这里 you're going, 你将停留的地方, 你将在哪里吃饭,如何出行. 为每件事情分配一个估计的金额. And be sure to add an amount for the extra spending money you'll want to have. 你会有你的金额开始储蓄.

And now that you've got a dollar amount, set a goal date for having that money saved. 记住这个日期,你可以 向后算出你需要存多少钱 每个月. Say you've determined you need $1,000 for a beach vacation 和 you want to travel in a year. Dividing that $1,000 by 12 months lets you know you need to save about $85 a month. 我们的 大采购计算器 能帮我计算一下吗.


你已经知道了金额和日期. 让我们来看看一些开始存钱的方法.

让它成为一个“在家吃饭”的约会之夜: 而不是去餐馆, why not have a date night at home — cook dinner together 和 then watch a movie all from the comfort of your home? 在一个 平均票价约为9美元,然后扔一个 一桶爆米花和两大瓶苏打水,你可以省下50多美元——这还只是电影而已! Set the savings aside for a fancy dinner while on your vacation.

无消费日: 鼓起勇气去做 不花一毛钱,只花一天. You might be surprised how much you could save in the course of just one day — a cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop, 报纸或杂志, 吃午饭了, 一杯苏打水——这些会在一天的过程中累积起来. What you might have spent that day, put it aside 为你r vacation. 一旦有一天你做到了, it might be easier than you thought so why not make it a regular practice — maybe once a week, 或更多的!

自带午餐: 打包午餐 can not only save you money, it can also help you reduce calories since you have more control.

自带咖啡: Making coffee at home 和 drinking it throughout the day can save you as much as 每年1500美元.

削减开支: Take a look at your bank statement, do you see any spending you could cut back on? 外出就餐,随意购物,甚至去杂货店购物. Grocery shopping online can help you avoid "impulse" purchases which could save you money. 这没什么不对 在一段时间里有点“小气” -仅限店铺销售, 借衣服或其他物品, 在价格较低的时候去看日场或欢乐时光.


汽车-transfers: Save without thinking with auto-transfers or direct deposits from your paycheck to a separate account. 通过你的工作或银行设置自动转账到 预留一个金额或百分比 在它打到你的主账户之前. You'll be less tempted to spend it if it's already stashed away. 开一个单独的账户, you can watch the account grow — 和 get just a little more excited about that upcoming vacation.

老式信封: Hide an envelope in a home safe or a sock drawer 和 每个月 stash the cash. 不要觉得有必要从这个信封里“借”钱. 记住,在你休假之前,这是禁止的.


一个梦想的假期感觉就像一百万年以后. 但其实没必要这么想. 支出和 储蓄就是找到一个有效的系统 为你. And by starting today, a simple savings plan could make your dream vacation become a reality. 祝你一路顺风。 拍照!

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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最大限度地增加与朋友的乐趣,并坚持你的预算. It's all about planning in advance for spending money wisely.


帮助 build a stronger financial plan today with these ideas for building your savings.


It's easy to overspend when starting out, so 在这里 are ideas for cutting down expenses.