
Do you need a real estate agent to buy a house?

对于买家和卖家来说,答案都比简单的是或否要复杂得多. These questions can help you sort out the decision.

Buying a home (以及出售)是一项重大决定,可能会对财务产生数年甚至数十年的影响. 有很多细节和大量的文书工作,这就是为什么大多数购房者 about 86% — opt to use a real estate agent or broker. 但也有人决定把自己的“出售”牌子挂在院子里,独自经营. Before you answer the question "Do I need a Realtor?" consider these factors.

What does a real estate agent do?

For sellers, agents help determine a realistic listing price, prepare and stage the home, create the property listing, 促进谈判并协助完成交易. 如果你时间紧迫,或者对做这些事情感到不确定, then a DIY-for-sale route may not be for you. A buyer's agent, meanwhile, 是否会根据需要的特点(包括价格范围)搜索房屋, neighborhood and condition), help narrow a search, submit competitive bids, 在整个谈判过程中维护买方的利益,并在谈判过程中提供帮助 inspection and closing processes. Again, this is something you can do yourself, 但这需要时间,你需要让自己沉浸在这个过程的细节中.

How are real estate agents paid?

卖方通常负责支付房地产经纪人的费用. This can happen in one of several ways, 包括固定费用(可能包括更少的服务)或, more commonly, a percentage of the final sales price (typically around 5%–6%). 当代理人为经纪人工作时,佣金支付给经纪人. That commission is split first between the seller's and buyer's brokers. 在那之后,每个经纪人与代理人分享他们的份额. 通常是五五分成,但也会根据经纪人的经验而有所不同. Some newer agents get a smaller percentage, 而一些更有经验的经纪人会得到更大的比例.

Will I save money if I don't use a realtor?

Maybe. Sellers who represent themselves will, of course, 节省佣金(尽管他们通常仍需向买方代理支付费用). And buyers who are working without an agent 也许可以从销售价格中商量出额外的钱, since they're saving the seller a commission. However, 如果你觉得谈判令人生畏,或者你对当地市场缺乏详细的了解, working alone could end up costing you. 你可能为了节省3%而不去找经纪人,结果却以低于实际价值的价格卖掉了你的房子.

Why should I not use a real estate agent?

There's a level of control that many people desire. 你可以坚持一定的销售或购买价格,但自己做这件事可能会导致一些 home buying mistakes.

As a seller, 你要自己组织开放日和展览, 这样你就有机会在潜在买家之间建立联系, the house and neighborhood. 你还可以按照自己的时间表管理销售或购买过程,而不是按照别人的时间表 一个代理人的时间可能分散在许多客户身上, or alternately, could be shorter than you would like.

作为买家,如果你没有代理,一定要让卖家知道 writing an offer. 这样你就可以给卖家一个更低的价格——最多3%——因为他们不需要支付你的代理佣金.

如果你把房子卖给或从你的家人或朋友那里买 typically called a non-arm's-length sale -不使用药剂可能有好处. 你可能会得到一笔更好的交易,交易结束的过程也不会那么复杂. 这种销售也可能有缺点,所以没有一个正确的答案. 最好研究一下这个过程,然后根据你的个人情况做出决定.

有一种情况下,使用代理是不可选的. If you're bidding on an FHA foreclosure property, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 要求您使用在HUD注册的有执照的经纪人.

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