

如果你所在的地区受到灾难或天气事件的严重打击, 见不得人的承包商可能会上门维修. 学习一些可以帮助你发现它们的技巧.

云并不是唯一伴随而来的东西 龙卷风, 飓风, 森林大火 或者其他类型的恶劣天气. Also on that horizon might be dishonest contractors trying to scam you. Home repair scams may arrive in the aftermath of storms as shady contractors cash in by delivering substandard or defective workmanship. 保护自己, your money and your home from repair rip-offs by learning to spot the red flags.


Contractor firms or individuals might offer services that intentionally mislead a homeowner, 比如完成不合格的维修,以及收取过高的服务费.

相信自己的直觉. If you don't get a good feeling about the contractor, don't use them. 注意以下策略:

#1 Unsolicited services — Beware of the pushy door-to-door sales tactics

A contractor stops by and gives you an unsolicited estimate for projects like driveway sealing, 重建烟囱和修复屋顶, 哪些项目通常是向房主推销的.


Some contractors follow storms and other catastrophic events — looking to make quick and easy money. Be cautious of a contractor working out of a 车辆 that has no company logo or out-of-state plates, as they may be hard to contact if issues arise or work is not completed. Instead, consider going with a local contractor who has a strong track record.

3 .许可证、pp王者电子官网、推荐信

大多数州都有承包商必须满足的要求才能获得许可. A contractor should provide a license or a license number from the state Contractors Board. 这个号码可能是无效的, so it is important to verify the license a contractor provides — if problems come up while a project is in progress, 你可能会被追究责任.

A contractor should also be able to provide you with proof of insurance, 如果他们没有,而你选择雇佣他们, 你可能要对可能发生的任何伤害或损害负责. Always request to see if the contractor firm or individual has the proper insurance. Check with your agent or research the type of insurance a contractor should have.

询问承包商他们以前的工作或推荐信. 做你自己的研究-考虑检查 商业促进局 or review what other customers have said about their work and business. If a contractor does not have references that you can check, consider another contractor.

4 .没有书面合同

All the details of the work to be done should be written out in advance. This is a red flag when a contractor does not want to put your agreement in writing. Be sure you receive a contract that explains the work you want done and the terms you and the contractor have agreed upon. Be sure you have read the contract and it is signed by both you and the contractor before the work begins.

5 .要求提前全额付款

如果承包商要求提前全额付款,请三思. In some cases, a contractor may require a partial payment to get started with the work. 付款应按照合同中的时间表进行. Do not make final payments or sign a completion document before the work is finished.


  • 来自分包商的电话: Subcontractors are reaching out to you for payment about work completed.
  • 意想不到的费用: 出现意想不到的开支是很常见的, 但当他们频繁或昂贵时, consider reaching out to a home inspector or call another reputable contractor in your area for a second opinion.
  • 缺乏活动: 在工作高峰期,工地上没有任何活动.
  • 进度沟通不畅: If your contractor stops returning your calls and is not showing up to the job site, 联系当地居民 商业促进局.
  • 低级的材料: Ensure the material the contractor is using matches what he listed on the estimate.


When looking for a contractor to remodel, renovate your home or to help you 从伤害中恢复 由于天气事件,考虑这些提示.

  • 获取多个引号 来自当地的老牌企业.
  • 花时间 做出你的决定.
  • 验证引用: Look into professional affiliations and 商业促进局 reports, 跟进以前客户的推荐信.
  • 检查最新的许可证,并核实pp王者电子官网保障.
  • 坚持书面评估 and a contract that includes contact information, important dates, and a breakdown of costs. 根据 联邦贸易委员会的裁决, you may be able to cancel a contract of more than $25 within three business days of signing it at your home or in a seller's temporary business location.

全国住宅建筑商协会 offers additional tips for hiring a dependable professional contractor. 有关风暴修复技巧,请访问 商业促进局 网站. 在你雇佣任何承包商进行风暴相关的维修之前, always contact your insurance agent to discuss your insurance coverage.


的 information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 的se suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

状态 Farm及其代理人都不提供税务或法律建议.







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Read on to find out what your insurance could help you with in terms of home repairs.


High temperatures, humidity, strong winds and 飓风 can really take a toll on homes. 你有没有想过用防风窗来保护自己?


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Before jumping into a home or apartment project, weigh the pros and cons of a DIY approach vs. 雇佣专业人士.