

帮助 protect yourself and your family by preparing and taking safety precautions before, 海啸期间和海啸之后.


A tsunami is a natural disaster that is most often caused by 地震 在海底下. 当地震产生的深海波浪接近陆地时, the shallower waters leave less room for the waves' energy to disperse. 结果是, 水位上涨, 有时海浪高达100英尺, 但更多的是作为一个有权势的人, 水流湍急的洪水.

海啸可能是由当地或远处的事件引起的. Local event tsunamis are likely to be very fast moving. Tsunamis are extremely dangerous for coastal areas and can be caused by significant landslides in the ocean.


根据 美国地质调查局.政府, tsunami events in the United 状态s are not as common compared to other countries in the world. Nonetheless, recent tsunamis in other places have shown the destruction they can cause.

This has led to a new focus on tsunami safety for coastal areas throughout the United 状态s. 如果你住在太平洋沿岸, 大西洋, 墨西哥湾或加勒比海沿岸, the tips below can help you learn more about tsunami risks and help prepare your family to act quickly should a tsunami occur.


Tsunamis can happen very quickly, so proper planning now can save valuable time later. 这里有一些建议.

  • 制定计划. Before a tsunami, help ensure your family's safety by developing a 防灾 plan that includes a disaster survival kit and an emergency evacuation plan. Tsunami evacuation plans should identify shelters and/or safe areas higher than 100 feet above sea level or up to two miles inland.
  • 搬到地势较高的地方. If you are near a shoreline and feel a strong earthquake, evacuate to higher ground immediately. Other immediate warning signs of a tsunami include water pulling away from the shore and a loud ocean roar.
  • 听取建议. 国家气象局提供了一个 海啸预警系统 警告警告和观察. A tsunami watch means that a tsunami has not yet been verified, but an earthquake or other event has made one possible. 当海啸监测生效时, consider using a battery-powered radio to keep up with the latest information.
  • 收到警告后立即撤离. 海啸预警意味着海啸即将来临. Evacuate immediately to higher ground or inland areas. Do not go to coastal areas to watch for the tsunami, regardless of their elevation. 如果来不及撤离的话, go to an upper level of a sturdy building or the highest ground you can access as soon as possible.


If you are caught in a tsunami, 在这里 are some specific scenarios and tips on how to react:

  • 你感觉到地球在颤抖. 地震来袭时,蹲下找掩护. 如果你在里面,躲到桌子下面,坚持住. If you are outside and can get to an area clear of things that could fall on you, 倒在地上, 盖住你的脖子.
  • 你在一条船上. 尽可能快地到更深的水域去.
  • 你被困在水里了. 抓住漂浮的东西并抓住.
  • 你在海啸区之外. 待在那里,直到官方宣布“安全解除”."


知道如何处理 海啸后的后果 是很重要的. Additional severe activity may follow initial quakes and early waves, so remain at a higher elevation until the tsunami threat has completely passed. Local officials will issue an "all clear" advisory when appropriate.

Once the "all clear" advisory has been given, use caution or seek 专业的帮助 当你回家的时候. 返回后,尝试:

  • 检查损坏. 仔细记录任何可见的损坏. Be mindful and careful of all visible and potential dangers including live wires, 电气短路、煤气或污水泄漏.
  • 检查供水情况. Use your emergency water or boil tap water before drinking until you are told the water supply is safe.
  • 检查食物供应. Food that came in contact with floodwaters may be contaminated and should be discarded.

准备好了.Gov提供了关于的更多信息 预先计划和准备 自然灾害.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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