Woman standing at condo window

Condo insurance basics

共管公寓pp王者电子官网的覆盖范围与共管公寓协会的总体政策密切相关. 了解它们如何协同工作以保护您和您的物品.

你的公寓不仅仅是你头上的屋顶:它是你的家. So it's helpful to understand condo unitowner insurance basics and coverage options for your unit.

Is condo insurance required?

许多抵押贷款机构在批准购买前需要公寓pp王者电子官网的证明. If you're in the market for a condo unit, contact an insurance agent to get the process started.

How is condo unitowner insurance price determined?

Your condo unitowner policy's price, or premiums, depends on the amount of coverage, 免赔额(pg电子官方网页版pp王者电子官网付款开始前必须支付的费用)和任何适用的费用 折扣 and charges. 一般, 更少的pp王者电子官网范围和更高的免赔额意味着更低的保费——更多的pp王者电子官网范围和更低的免赔额意味着更高的保费. A knowledgeable insurance agent 能帮你选择家庭和家庭的平衡吗.

How does a condo master policy work with a unitowner policy?

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一般, 共管公寓协会在一份保单下为大楼和公共区域投保, called the master policy. 整体pp王者电子官网的承保范围可以很广,但它通常提供以下三种pp王者电子官网之一:

  • The basic building (walls, 屋顶, 地板, elevators), but not unit items (such as appliances, 地毯, 橱柜, wall coverings), and in some cases not interior walls.
  • The basic building and unit items, but not unit additions, alterations or improvements made by you at your expense.
  • 基本的建筑和单位项目,包括增加,改变和改进.

When a master policy is in place, 你将成为该保单的pg电子官方网页版,你支付的部分公寓费将用于支付该保单的保费.

Condo insurance coverage

因为总体pp王者电子官网只覆盖公寓的某些区域, you'll want to consider purchasing an individual condo insurance 政策 cover the items and changes in your unit not covered by the association master policy. That may include your personal property, 对协会所有成员的个人责任和评估. 你可能还想考虑pp王者电子官网范围的损害,你的单位没有补偿,因为总政策的免赔额.

请记住,单位业主的pp王者电子官网责任可以有很大的不同. For example, some associations may have no master policy, 这就把建筑pp王者电子官网的责任转移到业主身上了. 在购买过程的早期,与一个合格的代理人一起审查你的建筑的pp王者电子官网文件和章程,这样你就可以遵守所有的要求,为你的家购买足够的pp王者电子官网.

Other unit policy coverages in condo insurance

一个典型的 condo unitowner policy offers coverage options for several other common items and situations:

  • Personal property: 在许多情况下,公寓业主有责任为他们的房屋投保 possessions against theft, damage or loss. Personal property coverage insures your clothes, 家具, 电子设备及其他家居用品的重置价值或实际现金价值(原价减去折旧). 你的财产通常是有保障的,无论是在单位里还是你离家时随身携带.
  • Loss of use: 如果你暂时住在别处,因为你的公寓因火灾或其他承保的危险而无法居住,则适用此pp王者电子官网. pp王者电子官网单将赔偿你的那部分住宿费, 餐, 洗衣费和其他生活费用超出了你住在家里的费用.
  • Personal liability coverage: Liability coverage 如果其他人对你的身体伤害提出索赔或提起诉讼,是否可以保护你, 由您负责的人身伤害或财产损失. 如果你或你的家庭成员对他人的财产造成损害,它也提供保护. 除了和解费用外,一些保单还将支付辩护和法庭费用. 检查您的保单,以确定pp王者电子官网范围如何适用以及保单中包含的除外条款.

Because insurance protection is a contract, 本条款中对承保范围的描述仅为一般性描述,并非合同条款. 所有pp王者电子官网均受所有保单条款的约束,包括适用的背书.

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状态 Farm General pp王者电子官网 Company
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