Condo unitowners coverage options

State Farm®提供多种pp王者电子官网选择,因此您可以获得最适合您需求的pp王者电子官网.

Standard condo unitowners coverage

Whether it’s building property, personal property, loss assessment, personal liability or medical payments to others, we’re 在这里 to help.

Whether it’s building property, personal property, loss assessment, personal liability or medical payments to others, we’re 在这里 to help.

Building property

Coverage A

Insures your items of real property, including building additions, 根据公寓协会的管理规则,更改和安装是您单位的一部分,是您的pp王者电子官网责任.1

Personal property

Coverage B

Protects personal property in your home like clothes or furniture. 它还可以帮助你在离家时保护你的个人财产.

Loss of Use

Coverage C

如果发生火灾, explosion, tornado or other insured loss causes your unit to be uninhabitable, you might need somew在这里 else to stay. 损失费包括维修期间维持生活条件所需增加的费用. pp王者电子官网金额可能被限制在一美元价值或您在指定时间内的实际费用. Review your limit with your agent.

Loss assessment

Coverage D

Uniquely designed for owners in condominiums/associations, 损失评估pp王者电子官网承认业主可能被评估某些类型的损失. 什么类型的情况可能需要公寓协会评估所有单位业主?

  • Someone is seriously injured on common property (like a swimming pool) and the

    courts award a judgment that's higher than the amount of liability coverage

    provided by the condominium/association policy.
  • Major damage occurs to commonly owned buildings and it is not fully covered by


For covered losses, loss assessment coverage would pay your share, up to the limit of coverage you select. 你应该和你的代理人一起审查对这种pp王者电子官网的需求,并购买适当数量的pp王者电子官网.

Personal liability

Coverage L

如果其他人提出索赔或对您的身体伤害或财产损失提起诉讼,而您或您的家庭中的受保居民应对此负责,则保护您, either in your home or elsew在这里 and to which coverage applies.

In addition to settlement costs, this coverage may pay defense costs and court costs, even if a suit brought against you is groundless.

选择足够高的责任限额来保护你的资产是很重要的. If you need more protection than your regular policy limits, consider a personal liability umbrella policy. 它增加了一层额外的个人责任保护,以应对你的汽车保单可能带来的风险, 你的游艇政策(如果你有)和你的公寓业主政策(房主).

Medical payments to others

Coverage M

对于在您的许可下在您的场所意外受伤的人,该pp王者电子官网支付的医疗费用最高可达政策规定的限额. The coverage also extends to people accidentally injured by your activities. 然而, the coverage does not pay for medical expenses for you, 您的家庭成员或其他经常与您一起居住或在您投保地点的个人.

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Other types of coverage

Refrigerated products


费用 & other expenses coverage

Counterfeit money & forgery expenses

Covers certain losses up to $1,涉嫌伪造及伪造信用卡及银行资金转帐卡.

Fire Department service charge

Pays up to $500. Higher limits may be purchased in states w在这里 available.

First aid expenses


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户外 & weather coverage

Debris removal


Trees, shrubs, and other plants

Covers damage caused by fire, lightning, explosion, 防暴, civil commotion, 飞机, vehicles (not owned or operated by a resident of the residence premises), vandalism, malicious mischief, 或被盗.2

Volcanic action

承保承保建筑物及建筑物内受保财产因空中火山冲击波所造成的损失, 灰, 灰尘, particulate matter or lava flow.

所有权 & rental coverage

Absentee ownership coverage

如果你拥有一个公寓/协会的房子,但所有或大部分时间都租给别人, special pp王者电子官网 arrangements can be made. If you’re in this situation, please contact your agent for a complete review.

Additional living expenses

包括超出你通常在食物上花费的必要增加的开支所造成的实际损失, 避难所, 并在最短时间内对相关物品进行修理或更换, or for your household to settle elsew在这里; up to 24 months for covered claims.

Fair rental value

包括您的公寓单元出租给他人或在最短时间内进行维修或更换租赁或出租的部分所需的租金收入的实际损失, up to 12 months for covered claims.


当通货膨胀改变了你更换财产的成本时,这种pp王者电子官网自动增加了公寓单位所有者对你的建筑财产和个人财产的pp王者电子官网范围. 这些变化是基于通货膨胀指数的变动,并反映在每次续期的溢价中.

Structural coverage



Damage to the property of others


Pays to re-key, 取代, 重新编码, 程序, 或者当钥匙或与这些门一起使用的远程设备属于被盗损失的一部分时,重新编程房屋和住宅内其他建筑物的外部锁.

Temporary repairs


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Want to know more about condo pp王者电子官网?

Tips for condo owners

Make the most of your condo investment.

What condo pp王者电子官网 covers

Learn what you need to protect.

Condo pp王者电子官网 discounts

See how you might save more.

Protecting yourself from burglary

Tips to keep a better safeguard on your things.

Developing a home inventory

Learn how and why you should keep a list of all your belongings and their worth.

State Farm life pp王者电子官网 benefits

Take time to cover yourself.

Protecting your pets

It wouldn’t be home without them. Are they covered, too?

Prepare a home fire evacuation plan with your family

Once you’re in, know how to get out.


1 对您的单位以及作为建筑物一部分安装的固定装置和设备的改进可能是您的pp王者电子官网责任,也可能不是. Association documents should be checked.

2 本pp王者电子官网限额为pp王者电子官网范围B个人财产的5%,任何一棵户外树木的限额为美元, 灌木或植物(不是共管公寓协会的共同财产,也不受总协会政策的保护).


此信息仅包含pp王者电子官网范围的一般描述,而不是合同. Details of coverage or limits vary in some states. All coverages are subject to the terms, provisions, exclusions, and conditions in the policy itself and in any endorsements.

State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
Bloomington, IL

State Farm General Insurance Company
Bloomington, IL

tate Farm Florida Insurance Company
Winter Haven, FL

State Farm Lloyds
Richardson, TX