
Bike to work? Boost your commuting safety

Learn how to stay safe when you bike to work.

Riding a bike or e-bike 作为开车上班的替代选择,可以提供急需的新鲜空气和锻炼. 它甚至可以通过减少汽油和其他费用来节省你的钱. 在你开始骑自行车上下班之前,先了解一下规则和风险.

Around 846 bicyclists are killed each year in crashes with motor vehicles, 据美国国家公路交通安全管理局称. Taking safety precautions, 知道要注意什么,教育自己骑自行车的道路规则是非常重要的. 骑自行车上班时,有几件事要记住.

Gear up for biking to work

安全骑车包括穿合适的衣服和装备. Make sure you have these items.

  • Helmet. A properly fitted helmet with a liner is important.
  • Basic equipment. 确保你的自行车配备了反光镜,前灯和后灯. A rear light that flashes is preferred. 当你不在的时候,锁可以保证安全,在拥挤的地方,铃铛可能会很有帮助.
  • Clothing. 确保你选择合适的衣服,这样你可以很容易地看到当骑. 穿浅色或反光的衣服,以提高能见度, particularly at dusk and into the evening hours. 不要穿那些会卡在自行车辐条或链条上的衣服. 总是把鞋带和裤腿收好,这样它们就不会卡在你的自行车链上.
  • Repair equipment. Having an extra tire tube, 如果轮胎爆胎或损坏,一个自行车打气筒和一小袋工具会有帮助.

Plan your bike commuting route

在你开始通勤之前,计划并尝试你的骑行路线. Choose routes with less traffic and slower speeds. 寻找有自行车线、自行车道、可靠的路面和缓慢到适度的车辆通行的路线. Your safest route may be away from traffic altogether.

Biking rules of the road

Educate yourself on the rules of the road for biking and e-biking. If a crash were to occur, 不幸的现实是,骑自行车的人比开车的人更容易受伤. 了解和理解交通规则会让你更安全.

Types of bicycle crashes

  • Left cross. 当一辆向相反方向行驶的汽车左转时,没有看到骑自行车的人,就会发生左交叉事故.
  • Right hook. 右勾拳事故是指一辆同方向行驶的汽车在右转弯时挡住了一名骑自行车的人.

此外,一定要知道你有什么pp王者电子官网范围,以及他们在发生事故时的pp王者电子官网范围. 在一些州,State Farm®提供个人流动政策(PMP).

Don't drink and bike

This should go without saying, 但如果你打算参加欢乐时光或打算喝酒,就不要骑自行车去上班. Alcohol increases the chance of an accident. Nearly 40% of cyclist fatalities were due to alcohol impairment.

记住,如果你骑自行车时被怀疑在 influence of alcohol in most states. 术语车辆可以被解释为包括使用自行车或其他形式的交通工具. 确保你的一天有相应的计划,避免在喝酒后骑自行车.

Bike riding reminders

准备和教育可以帮助你的自行车通勤更安全. Here are a few key reminders:

  • Preplan and find the safest route to work.
  • Ride a bike that fits you so it is easy to control.
  • 骑一辆运转良好、保养良好、刹车正常的自行车.
  • Always check the tire inflation before a commute.
  • Make sure bikes have reflectors and lights.
  • 永远不要戴耳机,因为它会分散注意力,影响你的听力和注意力.
  • 把自行车锁在工作场所和无人看管的地方.
  • 把所有的东西放在背包里或绑在自行车后面.
  • 系好你的鞋带和裤腿,这样它们就不会卡在你的自行车链条上.

Driving reminders

骑自行车或电动自行车上下班越来越受欢迎. When driving a vehicle, 确保你了解并知道如何与骑自行车的社区导航. Here are few key reminders for drivers:

  • Stay out of bike lanes.
  • Pass cyclists slowly and with caution.
  • Always yield to bikers as they have the right of way.
  • Always be aware of any oncoming bikers.
  • Look for bikes or bikers before opening your car door.

本文中的信息来自与State Farm无关的各种来源® (包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

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