

One of your most important parental purchases: the life-saving car seat

在美国, 主要死亡原因 在儿童中是车祸. 根据 国家公路交通安全管理局, the probability of death can be reduced by 71% in children younger than one year old when they are in a car seat. You can't prevent every bump and bruise but t在这里's one thing that could be the difference between life and death — 一个正确安装和使用的汽车座椅.

最重要的一步是 选择合适的座位 根据孩子的年龄、身高、体重和发育水平. And read your 车辆 owner's manual and the labels for the car seats you're considering. Check your state law requirements for car seats to ensure compliance.


你的汽车安全座椅上应该印有过期日期, 如果过期了应该换新的. 汽车座椅大部分是用塑料制造的, which degrades over time — especially due to factors like heat and cold. Degradation of plastic makes it brittle, reducing its safety effectiveness. 永远不要买二手汽车座椅. You may think you’re getting a bargain, but it may be missing parts or have been in a crash.


T在这里 are three basic types 汽车座椅: rear facing, forward facing and booster. 的n t在这里 are thousands of models to choose from for each type of seat. 所有的座位必须一致 联邦汽车座椅安全标准. 随着孩子的成长,你可能会认为他们已经做到了 超过了他们现在的座位 or is big enough to sit forward-facing and that it's time to purchase the next seat. Whether your child should move to another seat, however, depends on their height and weight, not age. 一定要阅读座位上的标签. 有很多事情需要考虑. 让我们拆开来看 不同的类型 汽车座椅.

1. 后置汽车座椅

这个婴儿汽车安全座椅是给最小的孩子用的. 背带随着孩子移动 在车祸中保护颈部和脊髓. It's best to keep your child in a rear-facing seat until they reach the manufacturer’s height and weight requirements.

2. 面向前方的汽车座椅

When the child outgrows a rear-facing seat, they will move into a forward-facing seat. 这个座椅的安全带在发生事故时限制了孩子的活动. 的y should be in a seat with a harness that can be worn as long as possible.

3. 助推器席位

一旦孩子 重量或高度超过了面向前方的座位,他们可以搬到增高座椅上. 这个座位使用车辆的安全带. 的 booster lifts the child up a little higher so that the seat belt fits properly over the lap and shoulders. 的 booster seat will be the last phase 汽车座椅 you need to purchase for your child.


Once you understand the federal car seat safety guidelines and 不同的类型 汽车座椅, 你会选择哪种模式? 昂贵并不意味着更好. A convertible car seat goes from rear-facing to forward-facing — so you get one seat that can last a little longer. And an all in one might work even better as this type of seat usually goes from rear-facing to front-facing to booster. 买一个适合你家庭预算的, 你每次都要正确使用,并且适合你的孩子.


如果你出了车祸, make sure that the car seat is safe to use before putting a child back in it. 的 国家公路交通安全管理局 建议在中度或严重碰撞后更换座椅. Car seats don't automatically need to be replaced following a minor crash. 轻微的撞车通常意味着你可以开车离开事故现场, none of the air bags were deployed and no one was injured in the collision. 如果你确实需要一个新座位,它可能会被你的 汽车pp王者电子官网 政策. 和你的朋友谈谈。 州立农场代理 or claim rep for more information about your 政策’s car seat replacement coverage.


安装汽车座椅 correctly is an important component of maintaining an environment of 汽车座椅和儿童乘客安全. By following the instructions provided with your car seat, you should be able to 正确安装 it. 但是,如果你不确定 安装, consult an expert by calling the car seat manufacturer's customer service center as many of them are certified technicians. 你也可以参加一个 当地汽车座椅检查活动.

然后放进去 汽车座椅在后座上 — never upfront — airbags can cause injury, even to a child in a car seat. 以下是更多信息的其他资源:

从汽车座椅到驾驶员座椅™, 状态 Farm has been committed to the safety of its customers for over 100 years. 孩子是你最珍贵的礼物. 当你在路上行驶时,使用汽车座椅可以保证他们的安全.

的 information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 的se suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.






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今天的新车都配备了安全装置. 但哪些是最重要的?


Learn current car seat safety guidelines and backseat safety to help keep your child safe.