Man with wine glass handing over car keys.

Tips to avoid drinking and driving

酒后驾车会导致严重的伤害、死亡、损害和法律后果. 保护自己远离酒后驾车的危险.

很多人都知道酒后驾车不能混为一谈,但不幸的是,许多人仍然这样做. 根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据, 29 people die 每天都有一名酒后驾车的司机发生车祸.

What is drinking and driving?

States differ in what they call it. 有些人会用“酒后驾车”这样的术语, driving while intoxicated, drunk driving or impaired driving. All states except Utah consider a baseline blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% a crime. 对于21岁以下的人,零容忍法律将少量酒精驾驶定为犯罪. 各州也可能会加大对驾驶分数非常高的人的处罚力度, 车内有未成年人或多次被定罪.

The consequences of drinking and driving

When you drink and drive, 你在损害认知能力和反应能力, which increases your risk for an accident. Get caught, 而一个单独的酒后驾车违规行为可能会受到法律制裁, financial, 个人甚至职业影响.

  • Most states suspend your license 时间长短不一,有时长达一年. 多次定罪通常等同于吊销驾照. 持有商业驾照(CDL)的司机可能会被吊销更长时间的驾照.
  • 拥有CDL驾照的司机的雇主也可以这样做 liable for the actions of the driver. 司机未来的就业也可能受到影响.
  • Some states require mandatory jail time — even for a first offense — as well as fees and fines.
  • You may be required to install an ignition interlock device on your car; if it detects alcohol, it will prevent you from operating the vehicle.
  • 一次酒后驾车的定罪可能会导致 job loss or restrictions (i.e., operating company vehicles).
  • Higher insurance rates 几乎总是伴随着酒后驾车的定罪.
  • 如果你因为酒后驾车在车祸中受了伤, depending on the laws of your state, 你的pp王者电子官网公司可能会拒绝支付你受伤的治疗费用.

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How can you detect drunk drivers?

执法官员表示,有几个迹象与酒后驾驶有关. 记住这些标志可能有助于避免危险的情况:

  • Making wide turns
  • 迂回、转向、漂移或跨越中线
  • Almost striking an object or vehicle
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Driving at a very slow speed
  • Stopping without cause
  • Braking erratically
  • Responding slowly to traffic signals
  • Turning abruptly or illegally
  • Driving after dark with headlights off

How can you stop drinking and driving?

Always make good decisions and plan ahead. 以下是一些避免酒后驾驶的方法:

  • 每次出门都要选择一个不喝酒的指定司机.
  • If you go out alone, do not drink alcohol. 点一杯不含酒精的饮料,如软饮料或水.
  • Never feel pressured to drink alcohol. 如果你真的打算喝酒,那就负责任地去做. Eat plenty of food and drink water.
  • 如果你喝了酒,打电话叫出租车或拼车服务,比如Uber或Lyft.
  • 千万不要和酒后驾车的司机上车.
  • If you can safely do so, 如果有人在饮酒后试图开车,拿好钥匙保护他人. 他们可能会生你的气,但另一种情况要糟糕得多.

Be careful on the road. 把车停在路边,拨打911报告你怀疑醉酒的司机. Learn more about drinking and driving laws in your state.

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