Woman lying on the floor hugging her golden retriever.

Budgeting for a pet


当你决定要增加一只毛茸茸的朋友作为家庭的永久成员时, it is important to consider all of the costs that come with it. Pet care costs can add up quickly, 因此,未来的宠物主人将这些费用增加到他们的每月预算中,并考虑一些有助于控制这些宠物费用的技巧,这将有利于他们. 除了, some of the 费用 might not be recurring, 但是在考虑给你的家庭增加一只宠物时,把它们记在心里是很好的. Here are some of the different costs involved in pet ownership.

One-time pet 费用

When you get your pet for the first time, t在这里 are usually some one-time 费用 associated with it. Here are some you might budget for:

  • Getting a puppy or a cat: Whether you decide to get a pet from a 增殖 or pet adoption 代理,你将需要准备付款或费用涉及到收养过程.
  • First vet visit: After you bring your pet 首页, 去看兽医以确保你的宠物身体健康是个好主意. Depending on the age of the animal, sooner or later you may incur 费用 related to vaccines, neutering or spaying, microchipping and licensing costs.
  • Start up supplies: Plan on spending money for tags, training pads, food bowls, 皮带, bedding and toys. All these supplies may help your pet adjust to its new 首页.

Monthly and non-monthly pet 费用

After making the decision to get a pet, and when planning your monthly budget, 记住,你的宠物费用可能是固定的(通常每个月都一样),也可能是可变的(每个月都在变化)。. Some pet care costs that might occur monthly include:

  • 梳理: 保持你的宠物整洁可以为你的宠物的健康和卫生创造奇迹. Categorize your grooming costs as fixed, 可变或非每月取决于你使用美容服务的频率.
  • 食物: 购买宠物食品是一项持续的消费,你可以把它列入你的宠物预算. 一些所有者可能会从将其添加到可变费用类别中受益, 因为分配给宠物食品的钱每个月都不一样.
  • pp王者电子官网: 许多宠物主人想要确保他们的宠物在发生重大疾病或事故时的费用得到照顾. Consider adding pet insurance as a fixed monthly cost to your budget.
  • 培训: A well-trained pet can help make an owner's life easier, 并可能保护你和你的家免受不必要的昂贵损失. 在你的宠物表现良好并准备好合作之前,你可以考虑把这些训练班的费用作为预算中的固定费用.

除了, you may also want to account for non-monthly 费用. 这些费用通常在一年中很少发生,可能需要你每个月都存一些钱.

  • Veterinarian visits: 许多宠物需要在一年中的某个时候去兽医诊所, so as a pet owner, 你可能想把每年的兽医费用作为一个非每月的费用来计划和核算. 这将有助于增加您的宠物及时接种疫苗的可能性,并及时发现任何健康问题.
  • 玩具: 让这些宠物忙碌和娱乐也会影响你的钱包. 考虑全年给你的宠物买新玩具,并将其作为非月度支出添加到你的预算中.
  • Boarding/walking services: 知道你的宠物在你不在家的时候被照顾得很好是很重要的, which means a boarding service may come into play. 一些狗主人在工作的时候不会把狗留在家里,而是利用遛狗服务让它们保持活跃. 考虑把住宿费或步行者费作为每月固定的日常开支, 或者,如果你只在假期或长时间不在家的时候使用寄宿或步行服务,那么这不是每月的费用.

Once your pet is settled at 首页 and with your family, learn ways to help keep your furry friend safe while in the house and on the . And if you have questions about pet insurance, reach out to a 状态 Farm® agent for additional information.

宠物pp王者电子官网产品在美国由美国宠物pp王者电子官网公司和ZPICpp王者电子官网公司承保, 6100-4th Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98108. Administered by Trupanion Managers USA, Inc. (CA license No. 0G22803, NPN 9588590). Terms and conditions apply, see 完整的政策 on Trupanion's website for details.

状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates, 既不提供也不承担宠物pp王者电子官网产品的财务责任. 状态 Farm是一个独立的实体,不隶属于Trupanion或美国宠物pp王者电子官网公司.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

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