Woman sitting in a chair 和 researching how to improve financial wellness on her tablet.


领先一步,学习如何通过简单的支出来改善财务状况, 储蓄和预算小贴士.

新的一年的开始可以让你更容易定义你的目标 金融解决方案. Increasing your financial literacy — which incorporate the tools to achieve financial well-being — may help you save money, 处理债务,改善你的财务状况.


金融 wellness is being in a financially healthy state w在这里 you can effectively manage all your finances. It is the overall health of your financial well-being — including your debt, spending 和 saving. 那么为什么财务健康很重要呢? 它很简单. 安全和选择的自由. 根据 年金.org财务健康有4个要素:

  • 能够控制每日和每月的财务状况
  • 为经济紧急情况做好准备
  • 实现财务目标——比如储蓄和退休
  • 有财务自由选择你的生活



Keeping tabs on your expenses over an extended period can help make it easier to decide what's working 和 what's not when it comes to your spending. 考虑使用n online app — or just a notebook — to figure out how much you spend 和 on what. 一定要把它分成几个类别. 仔细看看你的 消费习惯 会帮助你设定更现实的目标吗. 当你看经常性开支时, it may help you decide which ones can be avoided 和 turn those expenses into savings.


监控你的债务 建立财务健康的关键因素是什么. 背负一些债务是正常的,但是太多的债务会超出你的预算 影响你的信用评分. 帮助管理你的债务 还清信用卡最高利率 第一个. 额外债务, pay as much as you can on your smallest debts 和 pay at least the minimum on large ones — even modest accomplishments can be great motivation.


知道什么时候 借阅是有意义的 是很重要的. 无论你是 回到学校,取出 房屋净值, 买车 或者重新装修房间,你可能需要贷款或者 办一张信用卡. 了解你的信用评分和 信用报告 have an impact on the availability 和 cost of a loan 和 determine how to fit loan payments into your budget.


在清楚地了解了你每个月是如何花钱的之后,试着去做 制定预算. Keep in mind: Each new financial goal will likely have an impact on your existing ones, 这意味着要重新审视以前的目标,重新评估你的总体优先级. 例如,重大的生活变化,如孩子的出生,一份新工作或 为新房子存钱 可能需要你调整你的消费目标.


了解如何为首付款而存钱,并了解如何获得融资. 当你买房子的时候,它的成本不应该超过2比2.5 times your household income, 和 your mortgage should be no more than 80% of the 首页's value. Having a firm grasp on the details of mortgage loans can help you make the best decision. 考虑使用 购房清单 帮助你做好准备,避免风险 按揭贷款拒绝.


With all the other distractions in our daily lives, it can be easy to lose track of your 储蓄意图. Try a savings strategy that automatically deposits a portion of your earnings into your 退休 和 emergency saving accounts so you're not spending time moving money between accounts.

有助于… 401k by adding additional pre-tax money to your 退休 savings may help lower your annual taxable income. 的 最大数量 individuals under 50 can contribute in 2024 is $23,000 ($30,500 if you are 50 or older). If possible, talk to your employer's payroll department to increase your contribution amount.

汽车mating these monthly deposits may be an effective tool for ensuring you make progress toward your financial goals while helping to make saving a habit. Many experts suggest putting at least 10% of your income into savings — 和 some 建议最多20%. 听起来太难了? 试着从薪水的1%开始,然后随着薪水的增长而增加.


Setting aside cash for emergencies can help you prepare for unexpected financial setbacks — like a 失业 或疾病. 如果没有足够的应急资金,你可能会发现自己突然负债. 理财专家建议拥有一个 紧急储蓄基金 至少有三个月的开销——六到九个月就更好了. Work within your budget to create an emergency savings plan that makes it easier to bounce back.


如果你的储蓄包括 投资, an automated strategy lets you invest on a regular schedule, no matter what the markets are doing. This might help you avoid letting your emotions dictate when to buy 和 will help keep you in the market during a short-term downturn. 当市场波动时,很难做出明智的投资选择, 但重要的是要度过难关. 随着时间的推移, a schedule of periodic 投资 allows you to buy more shares when prices are low 和 fewer shares when prices are high — a concept known as 美元平均成本.


如果你的pp王者电子官网计划包括 弹性支出帐户, be aware that t在这里 is a use-it-or-lose-it rule w在这里 you will likely lose any funds remaining once the year ends. Make the most of your benefits by completing all preventative exams 和 taking 车e of other medical needs before year's end.


Getting alerts about your checking account usage (including withdrawals) may help remind you of your financial decisions, 这样你就可以跟踪你是如何以及何时花钱的. 在欺诈或未经授权的情况下对您的帐户进行收费, 它会给你一个机会去解决可能的问题 身份盗窃 及时地.


买pp王者电子官网来保护你的 首页, , 家庭物品. 在承保索赔的情况下, having insurance may reduce the financial burden that you would otherwise assume in the case of a loss. 例如, 如果你没有汽车pp王者电子官网, 然后出了车祸, 你可能还需要修理, 可能的医药费和汽车贷款——都是你自己掏腰包. pp王者电子官网 may help you maintain financial wellness when unexpected events happen.


考虑为你的孩子存钱 大学教育 从小就开始. 导致 529个大学储蓄计划 or Coverdell Education Savings Accounts may provide savings to help support your kids when they are 准备好上大学了.


弄清楚你的财务状况需要时间. 许多人选择寻求建议和 咨询金融专业人士 帮助他们实现目标. Consider working with a professional or doing more research to learn how investment accounts, 退休账户和复利可以为你工作.

在投资529计划之前, 考虑计划的投资目标, 风险, 指控, 和费用.  联系 the plan issuer for an official statement containing this 和 other information. 仔细阅读.

证券由状态 Farm®VP管理公司发行.

证券不受FDICpp王者电子官网, 不是银行担保,有投资风险吗, 包括可能的本金损失.

美元平均成本. Systematic investing or 汽车matic investment plans do not assure a profit or protect against loss.

状态 Farm®及其代理均不提供税务或法律建议.

的 information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

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Having extra cash in an emergency fund comes in h和y when life throws you something unexpected.


Learn about credit 车d interest 和 how to help avoid or reduce it when using a credit 车d.


你不需要像你父母那样存钱. 如果你离退休还有几十年, 新的方法可以帮助你获得梦寐以求的财务安全.


零信用或不良信用并不是一个不可逾越的障碍. 这里有一些关于如何建立良好信用的建议.