
Should I refinance my car?


你可能听说过抵押贷款再融资,但你知道你也可以为汽车贷款再融资吗? 如果你决定再融资,你可以在很多方面省钱.

When should you refinance your car?


  • Your current interest rate is high. 当你第一次买车的时候,你可能没有资格获得最优惠的利率. Or, since you originally took the loan, your credit score may have improved, entitling you to a better, lower rate. 在某些情况下,一般利率可能更低,可以应用到你的余额.
  • You want to lower your monthly payments. 较低的利率可以在不增加贷款期限的情况下减少你的月供.
  • You want to pay your loan off sooner. If you qualify for a lower interest rate, 你可以继续支付同样的月供,并比你原来计划的更快地还清贷款,因为更多的月供将用于本金.
  • You financed through a dealership. 经销商的利率通常高于其他金融机构. 你可以考虑向已有账户的银行或信用合作社进行再融资. 它可能会在你的贷款过程中为你节省数千美元,并可能改善你的 credit score.

Sounds great, right? 对一些人来说,这是一个有益的财务选择. One way to decide is to use a calculator tool to estimate your potential savings.

Considerations that may stand in the way

  • Age of your car. In general, the newer the car, the better. To your lender, 旧车的抵押价值较低,所以如果贷款余额超过了汽车的当前价值,你可能没有再融资的选择.
  • Prepayment penalties. 检查一下你现在的贷款人是否会因为你提前还清贷款而要求你支付罚款.
  • Other fees. State re-registration fees can vary significantly. 检查你的州的金额,以确保再融资是值得的,因为你的期望. 还要检查你的新贷方将向你收取的再融资费用,因为这些费用将影响新贷款的价值.
  • Car was recently purchased. If you're thinking of refinancing your loan, 考虑在购买车辆后至少等待6个月. 这让你的贷款时间来建立一个贷款历史,并解决任何折旧从购买的时间.

Can I refinance my car with the same lender?

  • 如果你按时付款,你的信用状况良好, 也许你可以和你现在的贷款人再融资. To see if you qualify, contact your lender.
  • Consider your options. 如果你不能与你目前的贷款人再融资, 货比三家,比较报价,以确保他们排队,为什么你想再融资.

How does refinancing a car work?

Many lenders offer the option to apply online, 让您在舒适的家中探索. To verify your identity, check your credit and process your application, your lender may ask you to provide the following:

一旦你完成了申请,审查过程的长度可能会有所不同. If you get approved, 贷款人将提供包括利率在内的贷款条款, loan amount and any applicable fees. 在这一点上,你可以比较并决定你想再融资的贷款人. 别忘了联系你的pp王者电子官网公司或者 agent 如果你已经更换了贷款人,这样他们就可以在你的汽车pp王者电子官网记录上更新你的新留置权人的信息.

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