Couple loading dishwasher and discussing appliance maintenance.


Each of your home's appliances and systems may function better with regular maintenance.

You probably take your car in for regular oil changes and go to the dentist several times a year to keep your teeth healthy. But do you put periodic home appliance maintenance on your calendar? 你可以考虑一下: 修理一台电器就需要175美元左右, on average.

There are several ways to tackle appliance maintenance: You can go floor to floor or room to room, for example, or put one or two appliances per month or week on your schedule. In doing so, you can help extend your appliance life and may reduce any frantic calls to repair experts. Here are some appliance maintenance tips to help you get started.


Oven: 查看用户手册,了解建议的维护. Regularly inspect the burners to ensure they light up evenly. Check the seal on the oven door; a poorly sealed oven door can cause your appliance to lose a large portion of its heat, 水电费上涨,食物烹调不均匀. Inspect the rubber or fiberglass seal around the perimeter of the door for any breaks, 关着门检查是否漏水. 必要时更换. 此外,采取必要的预防措施 以下是保证烹饪时间安全的建议.

垃圾处理: 检查堵塞物,并用钳子去除, then run the disposal with a deodorizing or cleaning agent such as ice cubes and salt, 醋,甚至冷冻柑橘.

Dishwasher: 按照制造商的建议进行清洁. Regularly inspect the racks for chips and go over them with special appliance touch-up paint to prevent exposed metal and rust, 哪些会损坏你的盘子.

Fridge: Clean the interior, exterior and coils according to the manufacturer's instructions. Regularly inspect the seals on the doors for cracks or breaks. Clean the door gaskets regularly with warm water and a sponge so the doors seal properly and gaskets don’t get stuck or rip. If possible, reposition your fridge to allow for air flow behind it to help it run more efficiently.

Microwave: 保持清洁,并定期检查内部 microwave 确保密封件和涂层完好无损.


洗衣机: 寻找裂缝, weak spots or deformities in the hoses connected to your washing machine to help prevent floods or leaks. Replace hoses every five years or as directed by your owner's manual.

Dryer: 每次使用后请清洁过滤器. 根据制造商的指导清理排气口. Cleaning out the vent regularly can help it run more efficiently and may also help 预防家庭火灾.


Electronics: 考虑使用 浪涌保护器 帮助保护电子产品. Regularly inspect cords for any cracks, and clean per manufacturer instructions.


HVAC system: 更换你的空气过滤器 HVAC system regularly. 这可以帮助它更有效地运行. Consider having the system regularly serviced by a professional — annually or whatever is suggested in the owner’s manual. A technician can inspect its condition and address possible issues.

热水器: Consider draining your water heater once a year to help prevent mineral build up that can occur over time. 另外,在热水器上盖上 热水器毯 可以帮助加热器更有效地运行.


When you have an appliance that stops working due to wear and tear or because it was faulty, 房产pp王者电子官网 会经常不付钱去修理或更换吗. 你可能想看看 家电防护计划 offered by the company or store that sold you the appliance. 或者你可以考虑探索一下 国内保修, also called home appliance insurance, to see what they offer.

In the event of a covered loss to your home, 房产pp王者电子官网 may cover damage to appliances. 但是,如果承保的损失是由器具造成的(例如.g. 漏水的冰箱, 热水器或洗衣机), the appliance itself may not be covered by 房产pp王者电子官网. Contact your insurance company if you have questions about coverage or what might be covered in the case of a loss or claim.

Now that you’ve learned a few tips that may help extend the life of your appliances, 你可能有兴趣了解更多 如何预防潜在的电气火灾风险 in your home. Contact your State Farm®代理 if you want to inquire about the service or if you have any questions about your 房产pp王者电子官网 needs.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.







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