
Home safety checklist


It's the place you go to relax and retreat: your home. 但令人惊讶的是,许多需要医疗救助的事故发生在人们在家的时候. 以下是一些帮助预防常见家庭伤害的建议.

Home safety tips for seniors

According to the National Council on Aging, one in four adults over the age of 65 falls every year. 这里有一些你可以采取的行动来帮助老年人在家里更安全:

  • Install sturdy handrails in seniors' bathrooms.
  • 保持交通繁忙地区的楼梯和地板畅通.
  • 给家里充足的照明,如果你在下班后起床,就使用夜灯或手电筒.
  • Consider using rugs with a non-skid backing.
  • Wipe up spills immediately.
  • 暴风雪过后,清理人行道、楼梯和人行道, 用除冰产品或沙子或锯末等天然替代品来处理它们,以限制冰的积聚.

Home safety tips for kids

教育孩子如何在家、在学校、在路上安全是很重要的 playground and when traveling. 这里有一些建议可以帮助你保护孩子的安全:

  • Use baby gates to keep toddlers in safer areas.
  • Medicine 化学品,如漂白剂和清洁产品,应该放在他们原来的容器里,让他们够不着.
  • 在橱柜和抽屉上安装安全插销和锁.
  • Secure bookcases and televisions that could fall over.
  • 考虑在秋千和儿童游乐区下面增加一个保护表面.
  • 在尖锐的桌子边缘垫上垫子,至少要等到宝宝站立和走路稳定为止.

Common household injuries and ways to avoid them

Bumps and bruises

一个盒子从壁橱的架子上滚下来,砸在你的头上, 或者你在浴室滑倒,手腕撞在瓷砖上. 当你被什么东西击中时——或者当你撞到坚硬的东西时——受伤是常见的事故,可能会把你送到急诊室. Some tips to help prevent bumps and bruises are:

  • Reduce the number of items on upper levels of cabinets, closets and bookshelves, and keep them organized.
  • Check that ladders are securely positioned before climbing on them; climb only to the top recommended step on the ladder.
  • Close cabinet doors and drawers immediately after use.


Moving heavy furniture can cause back strain. 铲雪时间过长可能会导致肩部受伤,甚至心脏病发作. 当你的身体告诉你要休息的时候,听从它. Some tips to help your family avoid overexertion are:

  • Get the help you need; don't attempt to do strenuous jobs by yourself.
  • 举重时,保持膝盖弯曲,从腿上提起,而不是背部.
  • Take frequent breaks and assess how you're feeling.
  • Avoid twisting your torso when reaching for something.
  • 使用符合人体工程学设计的工具来减少受伤的机会.
  • 如果你决定进行剧烈运动,记得先做伸展运动.

Ways to avoid cuts and puncture wounds at home

无论你是在切百吉饼的时候错过了标记,还是在踩到锋利的东西时被刺伤, 割伤和穿刺伤也经常发生在家里. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • 保持刀具锋利:用钝刀片切割时,你会使用更大的压力,这可能导致打滑.
  • 在离开项目区域之前清理工作空间——尤其是那些有钉子的地方, tacks and metal shards may have fallen.
  • 使用尖锐工具时,减少干扰,集中注意力.
  • Wear shoes outside.
  • Wear gloves when working with tools.
  • Keep your tetanus vaccination current.

用这些东西为你的家创建并保存一个储备充足的急救箱 tips from the American Red Cross. And check out these other home safety items & audits to perform!

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