


找到一个 公寓、共管公寓还是家 平衡你所有的需求和欲望是很有挑战性的. 找一个符合你条件的房子,比如位置, 成本, 设施和条件, 会是一个耗时又有压力的过程吗. 一旦你缩小了选择范围,你还需要 马上签字 or can you find ways to save or get more rental benefits included in your agreement? T在这里's more wiggle room for negotiating rent than some people assume — and different ways to save. Some may pay you back immediately in saved dollars while others are more about timing and quality of life. 考虑一下这些协商租金的技巧.


Understanding the rental market is an important part of negotiating rent prices or obtaining a rent discount. Finding out the rental rates for comparable places and locations can give you leverage.

It's not uncommon for a property manager or owner to claim t在这里's a line of eager renters waiting to take your spot. 这可能不是真的. 看看租金是否比同类单位低. 如果是这样,可能就不值得谈租金了. 如果租金似乎过高, 或者已经在市场上闲置了好几个月, 你会处于更有利的地位. 一般, winter is a good time to negotiate as it is typically harder to find tenants during that time of year. Summer is peak rental season so negotiating during that season may require a bit more work on your part.


Personal references can go a long way toward convincing a property owner or property manager that you would be a tenant worth having. A few letters from previous property owners or others that can attest that you paid your rent regularly is helpful. 如果你以前从未租过房子, 找一些能说明你性格的信,比如以前的老板, 邻居或者教堂里的人. These letters should also include information that shows that you are responsible, keep your 居住状况良好 及时付款. Don't be afraid to ask what the property owner or property manager needs.


Landlords, property owners and property managers value consistency and full occupancy. If you are in a position w在这里 you can pay a few months up front or the full lease term up front, they may readily offer discounts or even upgrades to nicer units or properties. Be sure to ask about other ways you can save on your rental 成本s, 太.


It is to the rental property owner's benefit to keep occupancy high in their rental units. If you are confident that the rental you are negotiating on is truly the place you would like to live for a longer-than-normal lease (say, 18个月,而不是传统的12个月), 询问是否有折扣,比如免一个月的房租. 一定要问清楚是否可以延长租期.


许多租客都想清点一下他们从租约中得到的东西, 但你也许可以放弃一些东西来换取灵活性. 例如, 如果停车位供不应求,而你不需要, 你的房东可能会觉得这很有吸引力,并与你合作. 你能做小的吗? 维护任务 如果租赁过程中出了问题,你可以自己处理? 如果是这样,也许会有一些折扣.

考虑一下你不是绝对需要的东西. If t在这里 is a gym, pool or in-unit laundry, do you really need those amenities? 一楼的单位比楼上的便宜吗? Consider what you could give or do to negotiate price or get a rent discount.


争取更多,而不是总是为了节省更多. 有几个选择可以是更好的停车位, a higher floor unit in a complex or a parking spot in a garage for a home. 考虑并要求你想要的东西.


Many rental organizations, property managers or landlords offer tenant referral bonuses to renters. 如果他们还没有这么做的话, consider asking if you could get a referral deal in your lease by helping them spread the word about empty units or recommend the complex or units to others.


如果你的 公寓需要重新粉刷一下了 你是一个 经验丰富的diy, offer to chip in your effort for a visual upgrade to your living space. Just make sure to clearly delineate, in writing, who is responsible for paying for supplies. Or, 如果你的电器或其他设施需要升级, you may be able to snag that or some other refresh as part of your lease.

谈判是一种小小的让步和接受, so be prepared to meet in the middle for a deal that's successful for you and your finances — and for your property manager or landlord, 太.

Please consult your tax, legal, or investment advisor regarding your specific circumstances.

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T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



了解搬进公寓的细节. 记住,让房东回答你的搬家问题.

怎样才能成为一个好房客? 保持你的租赁财产处于最佳状态

Taking care of your rental might allow for rent negotiations and more favorable terms of the lease.


Tips to help choose accurate, appropriate limits for your personal property and liability coverage.

Before you rent, ask your landlord about move-成本s and monthly bills due

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