A family building blocks while spending time with their dog.


A family building blocks while spending time with their dog.

If you take a look around your space, you will likely find household items dangerous for dogs 和 things toxic to cats. 帮助 protect your pet — before they get into trouble — with these tips.

Raise your h和 if your dog or cat follows you into the bathroom, "helps" you cook 和 fold laundry or nibbles on 室内植物. (是的,我们的也是.) Some of these behaviors can be endearing — but some veer into dangerous territory. With a little bit of preparation, you can help keep your furry friend safe from pet hazards, even when you can't be t在这里.


Many cats 和 dogs are food motivated, 和y don't always distinguish between their food 和 ours. This can be an issue because many human foods are toxic for pets, 和 some foods are simply a no-no because they can cause blockages, 腹泻或其他问题.

Based on information from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 禁止虐待动物协会、 The Humane Society of the United 状态sTrupanion, we compiled a list of toxins to pets (or otherwise dangerous) that you may find in your kitchen.


Take care of bow-wows 和 meows.


  • 酒精
  • 苹果的种子
  • 杏坑
  • 鳄梨
  • Bones (can cause a blockage or cut through your pet's digestive tract)
  • 咖啡因
  • 巧克力
  • Coffee (both grounds 和 beans)
  • Fruit pits (including cherry 和 peach pits)
  • 大蒜
  • 葡萄
  • Gum (can cause blockages 和 sugar-free gums may contain the toxic sweetener Xylitol)
  • Hops (used in brewing beer at home)
  • Milk (can lead to digestive upset 和 diarrhea)
  • 发霉的食物
  • 蘑菇的植物
  • 芥菜籽
  • Nicotine (can cause dangerously high heart rate)
  • Nuts, including macadamia nuts
  • Onions 和 onion powder (can destroy red blood cells 和 cause anemia)
  • Potato leaves 和 stems (green parts)
  • 葡萄干
  • 大黄叶子
  • Rich 和 fatty foods (can cause digestive issues)
  • Tomato leaves 和 stems (green parts)
  • Xylitol (an artificial sweetener often found in gum, 无糖糖果, certain peanut butters 和 more)
  • 发酵面团

保护宠物安全的小贴士 in the kitchen:

  • 一个好的经验法则是: Ask your veterinarian before you feed your pet human food — but when in doubt, 坚持购买高质量的宠物食品.
  • 封闭所有食物. Keep food off countertops 和 behind shut doors.
  • 使用有盖的垃圾桶 that close securely or lock, 和 keep the lids closed.
  • 安装子锁 下柜门上.

宠物危害 in living spaces

W在这里 does your pet spend the most time? Probably in the same rooms you do. By taking a look at these spaces from your pet's perspective, you can anticipate (和 prevent) safety snafus.

We put together a list of common household items dangerous to dogs 和 cats with help from 宠物中毒求助热线. Like the foods we listed above, some of the items listed are toxic, while some could cause other blockages or other health issues.

  • 电池
  • Certain 室内植物, including aloe vera 和 philodendron
  • Prescription drugs 和 over the counter medicine
  • 清洁用品
  • 洗衣粉
  • 干燥器表
  • Toothpaste (can contain Xylitol)
  • Kids' toys, especially with small parts 和 batteries
  • Front-loading washers 和 dyers
  • 电热毯 & electrical cords, including phone chargers

保护宠物安全的小贴士 around the house:

  • 检查你的 室内植物 are 对你的猫或狗有毒. If you can't place toxic plants out of reach, ask friends or family if they'll take your greenery for you.
  • Lock up household chemicals. Curious pets may be able to open cabinet doors. Use child-safe locks to prevent access.
  • 捡起孩子们的玩具. Small parts could be choking hazards, 和 batteries are toxic if eaten.
  • Remove any choking or eating hazards. This is especially important for animals such as dogs 和 cats that like to chew...在任何事情上. You may find clothing, electronics 和 shoes present unwanted allure.
  • 保持马桶盖关闭.
  • 存放尖锐物品,比如剃须刀,放在高处.
  • 关闭的门 在烘干机和洗衣机.
  • Do not let your pet lay on electric blankets with you. It may cause burns to your pet or cause the blanket to overheat.
  • Move or cover electrical cords 可以咀嚼.
  • Confine pets when you're gone. A crate or room that's separated by a gate may be a good solution to ensure your pet feels secure 和 can't destroy anything in your home, 太.

宠物危害 在车库里 和 yard

It's important to pay attention to the outside of your home, 太. We put together a list of outdoor hazards for dogs 和 cats with help from 宠物中毒求助热线ASPCA.

  • 防冻剂
  • 化学物质
  • Fertilizers 和 herbicides
  • 某些植物

保护宠物安全的小贴士 在车库里 和院子里:

  • 存储毒素 还有锋利的工具.
  • Clean up spilled or leaked antifreeze. Even small amounts are very toxic to animals.
  • 拔掉 和 put away any power 太ls.
  • Check 和 repair fence boards 这可能是宽松的.
  • Build pet safety into your yard. Guard them from harm by fixing fences 和 keeping the lawn free of any obstacles or trash.
  • 埋铁丝网 to prevent pets from digging or escaping under fence boards.
  • 如果你在院子里喷洒 用化学物质, 肥料或除草剂, look for pet-safe options 和/or follow manufacturer's directions.
  • 检查你的 outdoor plants are 对你的猫或狗有毒. If you have toxic plants, place a barrier around them.
  • 地方壁垒 around vegetable gardens 和 open-water areas such as swimming pools.


If your pet travels in the car with you — even if it's just once a year for a checkup — make sure you're doing everything you can to keep them safe.

保护宠物安全的小贴士 in the car:

  • Keep your pets in a heavy-duty car crate or behind a barrier (separate from you). Having a pet on your lap while driving is not recommended — they're a distraction 和 at risk.
  • Secure your pet with a leash or harness. Protect your pet — 和 prevent them from running away — in case you're in an accident.
  • 路trippin”? 研究 pet-friendly spots first. Make sure you have plenty of pet-safe stops to let them out (on a leash) for bathroom 和 exercise breaks.

Bottom line: You can take steps to protect your pet

You can't expect the unexpected — but you can help protect your pet from new 和 意想不到的疾病 和伤害. Discover how a pet insurance 政策 can be t在这里 for your pet during their lifetime. Talk to a 状态 Farm® agent or 在网上获得报价.

Terms 和 conditions do apply. 我们喜欢明智的决定. 请参阅Trupanion 政策 有关全面pp王者电子官网详情.

Pet insurance products are underwritten in the United 状态s by American 宠物pp王者电子官网 Company 和 ZPIC pp王者电子官网 Company, 6100 - 4号大街. 西雅图,华盛顿州98108. Administered by Trupanion Managers USA, Inc. (CA license编号. 0g22803, NPN 9588590). Terms 和 conditions apply, see 完整的政策 on Trupanion's website for details.

状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company, its subsidiaries 和 affiliates, neither offer nor are financially responsible for pet insurance products. 状态 Farm is a separate entity 和 is not affiliated with Trupanion or American 宠物pp王者电子官网.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). While we believe it to be reliable 和 accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, 和 does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance 政策. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.


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