

Renters can do their part to save the planet with these 11 green living tips for increasing their eco-friendly footprint.

气候变化使得 可持续的生活 这是一个热门话题——而且不仅仅是在房主中. More than 三分之一的美国人租房, and 69% would like to live in an energy-efficient building. If moving into a green-certified apartment building isn't an option, 这里有11个针对现有空间的环保技巧.


  1. If you're left wondering how to save on heating costs in an apartment, 让你的房东安装一个 可编程恒温器, or take advantage of using one if it's already present. 使用得当,它可以节省高达 每年150美元 在能源成本方面.
  2. Replace regular lightbulbs with energy-efficient CFLs, which use 节能75% 寿命是原来的6到10倍.
  3. 把电器和电子设备插到电源线上. Turn off these "central hubs" when devices aren't in use to prevent phantom energy drain, 这就占了 四分之一 of your 电费.
  4. 在门周围密封 windows 防止漏气. 一管2美元的软木塞就可以 减少10%-20%的能源浪费.
  5. Wash 4 out of 5 loads of laundry with cold water — in one year, the carbon-dioxide emissions reduction would be equivalent to 种植超过1/3英亩的森林.


  1. 只洗满载的 laundry 为了攒钱 3400加仑的水 a year.
  2. Install a low flow showerhead with the WaterSense label 为了攒钱 2700加仑的水 per year.
  3. 淋浴10分钟,而不是泡澡 减少一半的用水量 or more.


  1. 堆肥食物残渣减少 你的垃圾填埋贡献减少22%. In the U.S. alone, production and disposal of food waste is equivalent to 相当于3700万辆汽车的温室气体排放量. It can be difficult, however, to know how to compost in an apartment. If you have space outdoors, use a compost tumbler or a worm bin. If your city offers a food scrap drop-off site, you can use a tabletop composter.
  2. Join a 社区花园 在你的区域. In return for contributing to upkeep, you'll get a supply of fresh, 安全生产You can take only what you need as you need it to prevent food waste.
  3. Work to reduce your dependence on single-use plastic and rely more on reusable containers, bottles, 还有金属吸管. 这可以帮你省钱, too — if you were to drink the recommended 8 glasses of water a day from single-use plastic bottles for one year, it would 花费超过3500倍 比饮用等量的自来水要多.

Part of being a good neighbor is taking care of the world around you — but how can you keep your home eco-friendly when you're renting?

Turns out, there are many ways to live greener and save energy in small- and shared-space rentals.


Program your thermostat to reduce usage when you're not at home

  • 每年节省高达150美元的能源费用1


  • 减少75%的能源消耗1

Use power strips for appliances and electronics and turn them off when not in use

  • 减少25%的电费2


  • 减少10%-20%的能源浪费3


  • 减少90%的能源使用4



  • 每年节省高达3400加仑的水1


  • 每年节省高达2700加仑的水5


  • 将用水量减少一半或更多6



  • 只吃你需要的,防止食物浪费


  • 减少22%对堆填区的贡献7


  • A one-year supply of bottled water would cost $1,800 — tap water would cost only $0.498

To find more ways to support your neighborhood, head to fittingsky.com/simple-insights.

1 http://www.energystar.gov/products/top_10_tips_renters
2 http://www.nrdc.org/stories/keep-your-devices-wasting-energy-and-money
3 http://www.energy.gov/energysaver/services/do-it-yourself-energy-savings-projects/savings-project-how-seal-air-leaks-caulk
4 http://www.coldwatersaves.org/
5 http://www.epa.gov/watersense/showerheads
6 http://stanfordmag.org/contents/shower-or-bath-essential-answer
7 http://www.fda.gov/food/consumers/food-loss-and-waste
8 http://biofriendlyplanet.com/green-alternatives/reusables/the-environmental-advantages-of-reusable-water-bottles/

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