

Consider these tips to help with home security and protection when you are away.

你已经预定好了行程,收拾好了行李箱, 但在你离开之前, 花点时间给你的家做个假期检查. 六月、七月和八月 都是受欢迎的假期,不幸的是, 家庭盗窃案上升 在这夏季的几个月中.

无论你是周末度假还是长途旅行, consider taking extra security and home protection measures. Take a look at the following checklist before going on vacation.


  • 在室内灯光上安装或设置计时器. Giving the impression that someone is home can help in 阻止窃贼他们经常寻找机会犯罪.
  • 防止电涌. 你永远不知道什么时候 电涌 可能会发生,所以做好准备好吗. 考虑拔掉咖啡机的插头, 电脑, TV, 立体声和其他电子设备, or see that they are plugged safely into a surge protector.
  • 测试烟雾报警器. 看到了吗? 警报 是否正常工作并更换电池.
  • 不要更新自己的状态. 尽量不要把你的 社交媒体上的度假计划或地点. Even if you think that it's only your friends or colleagues viewing your online profiles, 最安全的做法是不要留下任何空缺 可能的窃贼.
  • 通知报警公司. 如果你有一个自动安全系统, you might want to call your representative to let them know you'll be away from home for an extended time. 离开时检查闹钟是否设置正确. 您也可以考虑使用 用智能手机远程监控 或者装个视频门铃,增加保护.
  • 保管好贵重物品. If you don't already have your jewelry or other valuables in a secure space such as a 家安全现在也许是时候这么做了. If you leave valuables out in plain sight, a burglar might be able to see them from a window.
  • 设置暖通空调. Set a programmable thermostat to lower your heat or air conditioning usage and remember to change the thermostat's battery.
  • 保护你的管道. Check that pipes in vulnerable areas such as attics, basements and crawlspaces are insulated. In unusually cold weather, consider setting your thermostat at 55 degrees or above. Ask a neighbor or friend to stop by and check on the house and periodically turn on the faucets to help ensure the 管道不会结冰.
  • 检查门窗. 在你离开家之前,看看所有的窗户和 门锁上了.
  • 考虑找个保姆. If you have the option, a house sitter can help look after your home while you are away. This could also come in handy if you have pets that need to be watched.


  • 安排草坪护理. Think about having your landscaping tended to by a friendly neighbor or local service. 
  • 修剪任何危险的枝干. 在你离开之前, 修剪任何树枝 that might allow access to a climbing burglar or that may cause damage during a storm.
  • 停止报纸和邮件. 考虑申请 美国邮政持有邮件服务 for your mail and newspaper deliveries, or have them regularly picked up by a neighbor. 再一次。, you don't want to easily clue in a burglar to your absence by the mounting newspapers on your doorstep.
  • 把车停在车道上. Keeping an extra 车辆 in the driveway or asking a neighbor to park their 车辆 might help deter potential burglars.
  • 把可能的风传物体收起来. 如果你生活在一个经历 恶劣天气, you may want to secure objects such as patio furniture, grills or trash cans.
  • 检查外部照明. Utilize motion sensor detector lights or install or set timers on outdoor security lights.
  • 不要把备用钥匙放在户外. Collect any hidden spare keys from around the exterior of your home. Remember, many burglars know about popular hiding places, like beneath mats and in potted plants.
  • 锁好车库和栅栏. Even if t在这里 is no entrance to your house from the garage or fencing, 东西还是有被偷的可能. 封锁所有的门和入口.

确保你有适量的 房屋pp王者电子官网 为您的需要,和 联系座席 如果你有任何问题.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.







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