

Preparing for a severe storm or wind emergency may help minimize damage to your property.


During severe weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes, winds can reach speeds greater than 100 miles per hour. 任何速度的大风, 然而, 会破坏房屋和财产吗, and cause flying debris and broken glass which could cause potential injury. Proper planning may help save your family from injury and inconvenience when severe weather strikes. Prepare your family by creating a disaster preparedness plan, including a disaster survival kit and an emergency evacuation plan.


  • 收听并关注最新的天气预报. Getting up-to-the-minute information is an important part of staying safe in any weather emergency. 收听… NOAA天气电台, battery-powered radio or cell phone for updates and mobile alerts.
  • 风咨询. A high wind advisory means that sustained winds of over 25 miles per hour are predicted.
  • 认真对待警告. 雷雨, tornado and hurricane warnings should be taken very seriously, as they mean that severe weather has been spotted and is on its way.


  • 到安全的地方躲避. Move to the middle of your home or basement, 远离Windows and glass doors. Try to take cover under a staircase or a heavy piece of furniture.
  • 撤离人造房屋. 不要呆在一个 生产家 在强风中. 它们很容易被大风吹翻, and flying debris can puncture their light frames and exteriors.
  • 考虑建一个安全屋. 如果你住在 易受强风影响的地区,你可能想要 建立一个安全的房间 在你家里. A safe room is an area of your home that has been reinforced to provide protection from broken glass and flying debris. An experienced contractor can 建立一个安全的房间 with a reinforced roof, 新房或现房的墙壁和天花板.
  • 带个急救包. 无论你在哪里寻求庇护,记得带上你的 家庭急救包 和你在一起.

Tips to help protect your property from severe weather and wind events

  • 车辆. 你打算留下的车库或仓库车辆. If you don't have a garage, move them to higher ground, in case of flooding.
  • 周围的环境. 放置垃圾桶, 庭院家具, grills and other potentially wind-borne objects inside your home or garage.
  • 用木板封住你的住所. Board up windows and glass doors with shutters or plywood to minimize damage from broken glass, 万一有大风.
  • 保护和关闭您的室外游泳池. Turn off the circuit breaker to your outdoor pool and remove the motor to help prevent damage.
  • 做好断电的准备.
    • 考虑用发电机作为备用电源. 应急备用发电机, 无论是家庭备用还是便携, can help keep some appliances running during a power outage — which could take days or even months before power is restored.
    • 随身携带手电筒和电池.
  • 天气报告. 留意收音机的最新天气情况. If you are instructed to evacuate, go to a shelter as directed by local authorities and:
    • 走之前把门窗锁好.
    • Bring your survival kit and other supplies including medications, identification, and cash. Additionally, ensure that you have enough supplies for an extended period. For a helpful list of what your kit should include, visit 美国红十字会.
    • 让朋友和亲戚知道你打算去哪里.
    • Fill your 车辆's gas tank or charge your 车辆's battery.
    • Avoid traveling near flowing streams and flooded areas.

    If t在这里 is no time to get to a shelter, retreat to your safe room if you have one. 否则, 呆在你家中间或地下室里, 远离Windows, and try to take cover under a staircase or a heavy piece of furniture.


  • 商业和家庭安全研究所
  • 联邦安全家园联盟
  • 美国红十字会
  • 联邦紧急事务管理局

If you've been affected by the recent storm in your area and need to report your claim, text the word “CLAIM” to 62789 to receive a link or you can report easily through fittingsky.com®, our State Farm mobile app, contacting your State Farm agent or calling 800-SFClaim 800-732-5246800-732-5246.

如果你确定你的家遭受了持续的破坏, 保护您的财产免受进一步的损害或损失, be sure to make reasonable and necessary temporary repairs. Keep an accurate record of repair expenses along with any photos of damage. If you have a covered loss, these repairs may be reimbursed by State Farm.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.