Ways to boost your retirement savings

It's never too late to begin saving for retirement. Here are some ideas for strategic retirement planning.

今天, Americans are living longer than ever, 这意味着退休时间比前几代人更长. According to research在美国,平均每个人的退休时间在10到20年之间.


Ideas about on how to save for retirement

  • Decide how you want your retirement to look. 无论你是打算广泛旅行还是在湖边放松一下, your income will need to support your lifestyle. 一旦你决定了如何度过你的退休生活, you can map out a strategy that could help get you t在这里.
  • Start now - no matter how old you are. 如果可能的话,一找到第一份工作就开始为退休储蓄是个好主意. If not, start as soon as you can. 虽然你可能需要在退休储蓄中投入更多的资金,但你开始得越晚. 不管你的年龄多大,只要在你还能存钱的时候就开始存钱.
  • Assess your finances. Take a realistic look at your current financial status. Look at how much you've saved, your debt, 你有多少人寿pp王者电子官网,你有多少应急资金可用. Talk with a financial professional.
  • Increase savings. 增加退休储蓄永远不会太早,也不会太晚. 随着时间的推移,每年增加一到两个百分点的退休储蓄. If retirement is near, look into catch-up contributions, which can help improve your financial picture. 设置自动从你的薪水中扣除任何频率和金额与你的 预算. Evaluate your savings progress with our retirement savings calculator.
  • Knock out debt. 金融行业的人建议保持债务水平在可控范围内:不超过你收入的35%. 摆脱信用卡余额等高利息债务是需要考虑的事情. And before you retire, 考虑消除尽可能多的债务,这样你就不用用你的积蓄来偿还债务了. Consider paying off your home before you stop working, too.
  • Open your own retirement savings account. Starting a separate retirement savings account, like an 爱尔兰共和军, is a good option for a couple reasons. 如果你的雇主提供他们自己的项目,而你选择加入, 然后存入一个单独的退休储蓄账户可以帮助你加快退休储蓄的速度. If you don’t have an employer-sponsored program, 然后开设自己的税收优惠退休储蓄账户,让你有能力为未来做准备, regardless of what your employer does or doesn’t offer.
  • Save at least enough to get your employer match. 你的第一步应该是了解你的雇主是否提供退休计划和/或 401k and whether or not they provide a match. 如果是这样的话, 与你的福利协调员见面,找出如何充分利用它的潜力. 许多雇主会在一定比例内与你的贡献相匹配. 你的第一个目标应该是贡献你所需要的,以获得完整的比赛, 然后在你的预算范围内增加更多的捐款. 一定要检查你的公司可能有任何的授权政策.
  • Put your money to work. 提出了, 礼物, bonuses, 退税和任何其他意想不到的收入都是帮助你建立退休储蓄的其他方式. In addition, 如果你已经分配了一定的金额用于偿还债务, use those same funds to increase your retirement savings once your debt is eliminated.
  • Review and revise your plan every year. 每年找一个财务专家检查一下你是否还在正轨上. 定期检查你的pp王者电子官网范围也是一个好主意, and any time your life changes, such as when you marry or have a baby. As you near retirement, 你可能会决定把你的一些储蓄转移到产生收入的投资上, such as annuities. 或者,为了让你的储备金完好无损,你的计划可能是继续 working a few years more into retirement.

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