Tractor cultivating a field at spring, aerial view.

Farm scheduling versus blanket coverage

When deciding between blanket coverage or scheduling, we have some tips that could help with the decision.

As you look at insuring your farm or ranch, 在你的选择中,你需要考虑的是全面覆盖还是计划覆盖.

定期pp王者电子官网对农场个人财产进行单独pp王者电子官网,农场个人财产是指农业经营中使用或生产的任何非家庭个人财产. 农场个人财产一般包括在四大类中 Farm Ranch policies are:

  • Grain and feed
  • Livestock
  • Machinery and irrigation equipment
  • Tools and supplies

Blanket coverage vs scheduled

全面覆盖和计划覆盖都有好处,你可以根据你的农场经营情况选择其中一种, 并且要注意,使用这两种方法来为你的手术和你的需求提供最好的覆盖并不罕见.

What is scheduled coverage?

定期pp王者电子官网通常支付到pp王者电子官网单上列出的个人财产项目的价值. In some cases, 无论您的总财产限额如何,pp王者电子官网公司都必须支付时间表上列出的个人财产项目的金额. 还要记住,如果您的物业时间表上的价值不是最新的, you could be significantly underinsured in the event of a major loss.


  • 一般来说,您可以挑选要列出的农场个人财产. 如果该项目不在预定范围内,那么在发生损失的情况下,它将不包括在内.
  • Each item scheduled must have a description. 例如,机器需要有制造商、型号、年份、序列号等.
  • 灌溉和所有组件都是你通常会安排的事情.
  • For livestock, 大多数地毯式pp王者电子官网政策通常会根据牲畜的类型设定每个头的价值限制,这可能会使您无法为更高价值的动物提供足够的pp王者电子官网.
  • 露天的干草和稻草可以被覆盖,但可能会有例外情况需要询问.
  • Items such as tools, 价值较低的用品和杂项设备可在附表中组合在一起.

What is blanket coverage?

地毯式pp王者电子官网为您投保的农场财产提供总限额. 地毯式覆盖通常适用于整个预定的农场个人财产清单. In most cases, all farm personal property is included. If there are items you do not want to cover, this may be where you would want to use scheduled coverage.



Coinsurance penalty

在为你的农场个人财产选择pp王者电子官网范围时,一个非常重要的概念是共同pp王者电子官网罚款, which is where you're penalized by the amount you're under-insured.

共同pp王者电子官网通常适用于全面pp王者电子官网,但也可能适用于按计划组合的项目组, such as cattle, 因此,当您选择pp王者电子官网金额时,您应该检查您的限额,以确保它们是准确的.

建议农场个人财产按实际现金价值100%投保. But if you choose to schedule your personal property, 通常情况下,它要求你在所有财产损失时的实际现金价值的最低金额.

某些类型的农产品(如谷物和牲畜)的价值可能因库存规模或市场价格而波动, so a good practice is to review these annually. 以100%的价值投保,考虑到随时间可能发生的波动.

必须保持对农场个人财产的适当估价,以避免共同pp王者电子官网的罚款. 如果pp王者电子官网范围低于农场个人财产的实际现金价值,这意味着共同pp王者电子官网的罚款适用,你将在损失时pp王者电子官网不足.

For more information, let us help you get connected with a State Farm® agent. 他们可以协助提供更多信息,了解哪些是涵盖范围,哪些不是.

本文中的信息来自与State Farm无关的各种来源® (包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

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