

As you get ready to rent space for your business, t在这里 are considerations to keep in mind.

作为一个企业家, you're ready to expand your business from your kitchen table to its own storefront or warehouse. 当考虑为您的业务租用空间时, you'll want to consider what your needs are for space and location as well as how to pay for it and help protect it.


When considering a property, you'll want to look at a variety of options. This way you know what properties are available in your community and it'll give you an opportunity to consider what spaces will best fit with your business.

地点是寻找租用空间的关键考虑因素. 你的生意是否依赖于客流量? 你需要在一个集中的地铁位置吗, 或者在购物中心的便利位置, or will you need signs to draw the customers to your business that's a bit off the beaten path?

Some other things to consider when looking at the location: Is it convenient for your customers, 你和员工? 这个空间在商店附近吗, 银行, 日托和其他重要的业务需求, 你和员工? What kinds of businesses and offices are in the nearby buildings?


  • 停车: Does the property meet the parking needs for your customers and employees?
  • 建筑和设备: 你想找带家具的还是半带家具的? Are you looking for an empty space that you can build out to your specific needs? 此外,您是否可以全天候访问您的业务空间?
  • 公用事业和互联网: What are the options and costs for internet access and utilities?
  • 设施及员工康乐设施: Are the restrooms large enough to accommodate employees and customers? Will you need kitchen amenities for your team or when hosting meetings?


当你考虑为你的企业租用空间的选择时, this is a good time to evaluate w在这里 you are in your business model and consider updating or 审查你的商业计划.

As you look at commercial space you'll need to balance the size of the space with your budget. If you are a new business owner or have been at this only a few years, you may want to consider smaller spaces that offer options to expand so you have room to grow.

同样的, if you are in the middle or in the last few years of your business ownership, is the space flexible for you to downsize or — if you sell the business — for a new owner to expand?

Will you be able to reach your financial goals with the additional expense of the new location? If you are moving your business from your home to a new location, 它可能需要和过去一样多的计划和考虑 开始你的事业.


As you look at expanding your business and renting a location for it, 最初的成本可能会累积成一笔很大的开支.

In addition to planning for the cost of building out and furnishing your business' new space, you may need to add room in your budget for the day of the move and for basic operational supplies such as paper, 笔和咖啡.

一旦你到了新地方, you'll not only need to meet the monthly expenses of rent and utilities, but you may need to consider personnel costs if your move includes adding employees.


一旦你找到了适合你的空间, ask about what the property owner requires from you before you sign the lease.

一些业主会负责物业的维护, 但这取决于租约, 其中一些 落在租客身上. 你需要为这些责任做一个预算.

Make sure you understand what is expected of you if you terminate the lease early, 要知道你有什么选择来更新.

你需要 帮助保护 你所有的辛勤工作. Property owners may only carry insurance to cover their investment in the building, 但他们可能会要求你为部分建筑投保, 你对这栋楼做了什么改变, 你的商业财产.

Consider the length of the lease or contract if you've had to make compromises on your "must haves"in your new business space.

Taking the step to rent a space for your business is a major milestone for any entrepreneur, so give yourself enough time to find the dream space when you can afford it and when it becomes available.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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