


It's easy enough to miss a sign or slow down too late, only to see 你后视镜里的闪光灯 并因你的麻烦收到罚单. 但即使是很小的, seemingly harmless non-moving or moving violations can set off a cascade of other costs and penalties, from demerit points on your driving record to higher insurance rates.

有两种类型的违规-移动和非移动. A moving violation occurs whenever a traffic law is violated by a 车辆 in motion. 非移动违例, 如你所料, involves a 车辆 not in motion and often includes a parking violation or faulty equipment. 除了, 各州的后果各不相同, from requirements for traffic school to points that you accumulate on your driving record. Here are a few of the ways that a non-moving or moving violation can impact you.


如果你没有前科的话, chances are that a minor speeding ticket (under 10 mph over the limit) won't cause much pain, 除了机票的费用. 在很多州, 一个司机, 尤其是初犯, can keep minor infractions such as low-level speeding off a driving record by going to traffic school or taking 一个司机 improvement course. 然而, if you have a history of violations or you are a very young driver, 其影响可能更为严重.

  • 缓解因素:
    • 国家规定.
    • 每小时超过张贴的速度限制的英里数.
    • 年龄.
    • 违规驾驶记录/历史.

  • 影响:
    • 州/地方罚款,各不相同.
    • 驾驶记录或驾驶学校记过.
    • 可能提高pp王者电子官网费率.
    • 可能出庭.

  • 当地的后果:




Violation: Illegal right turn on red, ticketed by a red-light camera

在大多数州,a 红灯照相罚单 will cost you, but overall the penalties are far lighter than an officer-issued ticket. 这些处罚可能包括较低的罚款, 没有扣分, 这被算作行政违规, 类似于停车罚单, 而不是移动违章. That means it won't show up on your driving record or affect insurance rates.

  • 缓解因素:
    • 国家规定.

  • 影响:
    • 州/地方罚款,各不相同.
    • 驾驶记录或驾驶学校记过.

  • 当地的后果:


If you accidentally left your wallet at home or your driver's license in your coat pocket — your other coat — don't panic. 官员可能会开出一张所谓的“修理票”,"which simply requires you to produce your valid license at the police station or in court and the charge will be dismissed. 还有其他的, 更严重,被认为是“故意的”,"ways drivers may find themselves charged with this violation — failing to apply for a state-issued driver's license in a specific time (like 90 days for new state residents) or driving with an expired, 暂停, 或吊销执照.

  • 缓解因素:
    • 国家规定.
    • 违规的严重程度(无心之错与故意之错).
    • 违规驾驶记录/历史.

  • 影响:
    • 州/地方罚款,各不相同.
    • 可能出庭.
    • 牢狱之灾.
    • 暂停或吊销许可证.
    • 车辆蓄水.
    • 可能提高pp王者电子官网费率.
  • 当地的后果:
    • Even with a "fix-it ticket"t在这里 may still be a fine to pay — in Alabama (Alabama Code Title 32. 机动车辆和交通§32-6-1),最高可达100美元. And a first driving-while-暂停-or-restricted offense carries a jail sentence of up to 180 days.


This may include failure to stop for a variety of circumstances — oncoming traffic, 一辆急救车, 一个行人, 或者让出先行权. When the violation also causes an accident, the consequences multiply.

  • 缓解因素:
    • 国家规定.
    • Severity of violation (for example, an accident results from failure to yield).
    • 违规驾驶记录/历史.

  • 影响:
    • 州/地方罚款,各不相同.
    • 驾驶记录扣分.
    • 可能提高pp王者电子官网费率.

  • 当地的后果:
    • 在密歇根州(车辆法典法案300§257).649), failure to yield carries no fine, but does add two demerit points to your driving record. 发生意外, the number of points may increase; some states impose points any time 一个司机 is found responsible for a collision. And even if a pricey fine is not imposed, an accident may cost you in increased pp王者电子官网费 and deductibles for damage done to your own 车辆 and your victim's 车辆.


  • 缓解因素:
    • 国家规定.
    • 最近违反同一灯的记录.

  • 影响:
    • 州/地方罚款,各不相同.

  • 当地的后果:
    • 如果你在密苏里州因此被拦下(联邦法规第307章), “设备违规”将招致28美元的罚款.50美元和60美元.50美元的诉讼费,总共89美元自付, 再加上更换烧坏灯泡的费用.


  • 缓解因素:
    • 国家规定.
    • 违规驾驶记录/历史.
    • 司机的位置,车,钥匙.
    • 引擎是否在运转.
  • 影响:
    • 州/地方罚款,各不相同.
    • 许可证丢失.

  • 当地的后果:
    • 在大多数州,被抓到睡觉和 酒后驾车 能导致酒驾被定罪吗.


  • 缓解因素:
    • 国家规定.
    • 违章停车的时间.
    • 发出的船票数目.
  • 影响:
    • 细.
    • 如果未支付,许可证将被吊销.

  • 当地的后果:
    • 在大多数州, illegally parking won't immediately affect your license but if parking tickets remain unpaid most states will revoke a license and a bench warrant may be issued for your arrest. 也就是说,如果警察在路上看到你的车牌, 你可能会坐警车回家.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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With 一个司机's license suspension comes a Certificate of 金融 Responsibility.


Drinking and driving can result in serious injury, fatality, damage and legal ramifications. 保护自己远离酒后驾车的危险.


你的宠物在车里自由放养吗? 最好查一下当地法律,用板条箱或绳子把她拴起来.


Running a red light is a bad idea, but in some places it can also mean a surprise ticket.